OSCE-supported regional peacekeeping course for military officers from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan concludes
A two-week regional course for military officers from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan on pre-deployment for peacekeeping operations concluded on 7 April 2017 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
The event brought together some 25 military officers from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to learn about United Nations (UN) Core Pre-deployment Training Materials and UN Integrated Protection of Civilians.
The course provides essential knowledge required for all peacekeeping personnel – military, police or civilian – to function effectively in UN peacekeeping operations. Participants were taught fundamentals of peacekeeping, the rules of engagement for international peacekeepers, relevant international law, human rights protection, including the protection of women and children from sexual exploitation and abuse.
Experts shared best practices and current safety and security procedures during peacekeeping operations according to international standards. A scenario-based exercise will conclude the event with a focus on protection of civilians.
The training is hosted by the “Partnership for Peace” Training Centre of the Army Academy of Kazakhstan (KAZCENT) and is supported jointly by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana and the OSCE Office in Tajikistan. It is a follow-up to last year’s one-week introductory course on pre-deployment for peacekeeping operations held in Almaty.
Since 2009, the OSCE has been supporting the development of co-operative mechanisms on a technical level among states in Central Asia and Afghanistan on the issue of explosive hazards reduction, including during peacekeeping operations.