News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
Use of contraband detectors in focus at OSCE training seminar for border security officers in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 8 December 2014
A three-day training seminar on the use of density metres and microscopic cameras for inspecting vehicles entering Kazakhstan began on 8 December 2014 in Kordai, close to the Kyrgyzstan border...
Weekly update from the Observer Mission at Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk based on information as of 10:00 (Moscow time), on 02 December 2014)
Publishing date: 3 December 2014
Content type: Weekly report
What we do: Border management
Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Russian Federation. The Observer Mission (OM) continues to operate 24/7 at both Border Check Points (BCPs). On 30 November a Russian convoy crossed the Donetsk BCP to Ukraine and returned to the Russian Federation (RF) the same day. Overall cross-border traffic flows decreased at both Border Crossing Points (BCPs). Following a snowstorm and falling temperatures beginning in the night of 30 November, the traffic flows at both BCPs decreased significantly. The OM continued to observe a significant number of persons in military-style clothing crossing the border in both directions.
OSCE conducts joint patrol medical course for Afghan and Tajik border officers
Publishing date: 28 November 2014
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
What we do: Border management
DUSHANBE, 28 November 2014 – Afghan and Tajik border officers today completed a two-week OSCE patrol medical course in Dushanbe...
OSCE promotes implementation of Trusted Trader Programmes by customs and private sector
Publishing date: 28 November 2014
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Secretariat, OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
What we do: Economic activities, Border management
DUSHANBE, 28 November 2014 – A five-day Regional Workshop on Strengthening Co-operation between Customs and the Private Sector through Implementation of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Programmes concluded at the OSCE Border Management Staff College today. The event was co-organized by the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA), the OSCE Office in Tajikistan, and the World Customs Organization (WCO)...
Weekly update from the Observer Mission at Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk based on information as of 10:00 (Moscow time), 26 November 2014
Publishing date: 26 November 2014
Content type: Weekly report
What we do: Border management, Conflict prevention and resolution
Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Russian Federation. The Observer Mission (OM)’s mandate has been extended until 23 December. It continues to operate 24/7 at both Border Crossing Points (BCPs). Overall cross-border traffic flows increased at both BCPs. Traffic flows turned again and slightly more people entered than left the Russian Federation (RF) at the two observed BCPs. The OM continued to observe a significant number of persons in military-style clothing crossing the border in both directions.
OSCE Centre trains police officers on document security in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 24 November 2014
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Border management, Policing
A four-day OSCE-supported training seminar for Kazakhstan’s police officers on document integrity and advanced methods to detect document forgery began on 24 November 2014 in Karaganda, Kazakhstan...
Second OSCE BMSC Cross-Border Research Conference concludes with field trip to Tajik-Afghan border
Publishing date: 24 November 2014
The OSCE Border Management Staff College’s Second Cross-Border Research Conference, this year focusing on border security in the era of globalization and the challenges of migration, concluded on 21 November 2014 with a field trip to the Tajik-Afghan border...