News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
OSCE supports training seminar on administrative anti-corruption practices
Publishing date: 30 November 2018
A four-day training seminar on implementing administrative anti-corruption practices, co-organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana and the Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption Agency, concluded in Astana on 29 November 2018. Some 50 representatives from the agency’s central and regional offices participated in the seminar...
OSCE holds national table top exercise in Kazakhstan on protecting critical energy infrastructure from cyber-related terrorist attacks
Publishing date: 29 November 2018
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana, OSCE Secretariat
What we do: Economic activities, Countering terrorism
Strengthening preparedness and protection against terrorist attacks aimed at critical energy infrastructure was the focus of a risk-assessment and crisis management exercise held in Kazakhstan’s capital on 28 and 29 November 2018, organized by the OSCE Transnational Threats Department and the OSCE Programme Office in Astana...
Kazakhstan discusses ways to simplify, digitalize and co-ordinate trade and transport procedures at OSCE-organized workshop in Astana
Publishing date: 28 November 2018
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana, OSCE Secretariat
What we do: Economic activities
A two-day national workshop for representatives of the public authorities of Kazakhstan and the country’s business associations, aimed at implementing the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement, organized and moderated by the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA) and supported by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana, was held on 27 and 28 November in Astana...
OSCE supports strategic analysis course in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 23 November 2018
Some 20 representatives from the Financial Monitoring Committee and Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Office of the Prosecutor General completed a five-day course on strategic analysis on 23 November in Astana. The event was jointly organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana, Kazakhstan’s Financial Monitoring Committee and the United States Embassy in Astana.
OSCE trains border guards in Kazakhstan on detection of forged documents
Publishing date: 23 November 2018
A five-day OSCE-supported training seminar on the detection of forged travel documents and identification techniques concluded on 23 November 2018 in Almaty, Kazakhstan
OSCE conducts course on identifying foreign terrorist fighters for border and security officers in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 22 November 2018
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana, OSCE Secretariat
What we do: Countering terrorism
From 20 to 22 November 2018, the OSCE Mobile Training Team delivered an interactive national course on identifying foreign terrorist fighters at the borders for 25 first- and second-line border and security officers, including four female participants, in Astana...
OSCE supports roundtable discussion on regulating release and marketing of genetically modified organisms in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 20 November 2018
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Environmental activities, Environmental good governance
The OSCE Programme Office in Astana supported a roundtable discussion on steps Kazakhstan could take to regulate the release and marketing of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)- any organism or microorganism, including agricultural products, whose genetic material has been altered by means of genetic engineering- on 20 November 2018 in Astana...