News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
OSCE Centre to hold meeting on draft law on combating money-laundering and financing of terrorism
Publishing date: 13 March 2006
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
ALMATY, 13 March 2006- The OSCE Centre in Almaty will organize a roundtable discussion of the Kazakh draft law on combating money-laundering and the financing of terrorism, in Astana on 16 March. The event...
OSCE Centre in Almaty helps entrepreneurs contribute to national pollutant register
Publishing date: 24 February 2006
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Environmental activities
ALMATY, 23 February 2006- The OSCE Centre in Almaty and the Kazakhstan Business Council for Sustainable Development is organizing training for entrepreneurs on an international protocol that is expected to reduce the level of pollution...
OSCE Centre in Almaty presents handbook on mediation and conflict resolution
Publishing date: 10 February 2006
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
ALMATY, 10 February 2006- The OSCE Centre in Almaty and the non-governmental organization Centre for Democracy Support will on Monday present a new handbook on alternative conflict resolution methods...
OSCE organizes meeting in Almaty to discuss Central Asia migration issues
Publishing date: 31 January 2006
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana, OSCE Secretariat
What we do: Economic activities, Environmental activities, Good governance
ALMATY, 31 January 2006- Migration issues in Central Asia are the focus of a two-day OSCE regional workshop which opened today in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Organized by the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE economic and environmental activities and...
Kazakhstani journalists win OSCE awards for reporting on criminal justice reform
Publishing date: 29 December 2005
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
What we do: Rule of law
ALMATY, 29 December 2005- Three journalists today received awards for their reporting on lay participation in administration of justice in Kazakhstan as part of a competition organized by the OSCE Centre in Almaty and...
Counter-terrorism: OSCE holds workshop in Almaty on travel document security
Publishing date: 9 December 2005
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana, OSCE Secretariat
What we do: Countering terrorism
ALMATY, 9 December 2005- The first Central Asian regional workshop on the handling and issuance of travel documents co-organized by the OSCE Centre in Almaty and the OSCE Secretariat's Action against Terrorism Unit (ATU) and hosted by the Kazakh...
OSCE Centre organizes study trip on pollution control for Kazakhstani specialists
Publishing date: 2 December 2005
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Environmental activities
ALMATY, 2 December 2005- The OSCE Centre in Almaty has organized a study visit to Prague for members of the newly established Kazakhstani working group on pollutant release and transfer register...