OSCE Presence organizes advanced crime analysis training course for Albania’s State Police
An advanced training programme on crime analysis, organized by the OSCE Presence in Albania, was held from 5 to 8 October 2021, in Durrës. Building upon last year’s training course on the concepts and techniques of crime analysis for Albania’s State Police, the course was tailored to the needs of the Crime Information Analysis Units of State Police and the Albanian Financial Intelligence Unit.
Fourteen officers from the Crime Information Analysis Units and Financial Intelligence Unit participated in the training delivered by a Canadian expert with vast experience in this field. The training course aimed at enhancing participants’ skills to tackle the new efficient global analytical concepts and approaches in crime analysis, which if implemented successfully will result in more high-quality analytical products.
As a result, Albania’s law enforcement’s overall capacities to report, investigate, and prosecute serious and organized crimes, and financial crimes in particular, will be further enhanced. The rapid implementation of the intelligence-led policing (ILP) model will also be enabled, especially in developing analytical products of strategic importance, such as the serious and organized crime threat assessment reports.
The need for more trainings in this area was reiterated by senior police officers in meetings held with the Presence from 2020 and onwards. Moreover, the material covered in the above-mentioned training course is in accordance with the goals and commitments contained in Albania’s “Strategy against Organized Crime and Serious Crimes 2021–2025” and the “Action Plan 2021–2022”. Supporting Albania’s State Police in developing and delivering training programmes to enhance skills and competencies in strategic and operational crime intelligence analysis is identified as a priority for the Presence for the foreseeable future.