Tsereteli appoints new Special Representative and Rapporteur on corruption and disinformation, reappoints Special Reps
COPENHAGEN, 25 July 2019 – In order to better address relevant challenges in the OSCE area OSCE PA President George Tsereteli (Georgia), entering his second term, appointed this week a new Special Representative and a new Special Rapporteur.
With a view to support more transparent policy-making, effective anti-corruption strategies and alert OSCE parliamentarians of significant threats to security and stability that corruption poses, the President appointed Irene Charalambides (Cyprus) as Special Representative on Fighting Corruption.
Working in close co-operation with the OSCE PA’s Committee on Economic Affairs, Science, Technology and Environment, the Special Representative on Fighting Corruption is mandated to:
- Raise awareness in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly regarding the urgency to effectively combat corruption at all levels;
- Promote a greater understanding of the security threats stemming from corruption, of its detrimental effects on our societies, and of its pervasive links with other forms of serious crime, such as organized crime and terrorism;
- Facilitate co-operation on anti-corruption issues within the OSCE PA among all Delegations, including in terms of possible follow-up to relevant OSCE PA recommendations;
- Promote high-level partnerships with the OSCE Chairmanship, OSCE executive structures and with relevant international stakeholders on issues related to combating corruption.
The OSCE PA adopted a resolution on combating corruption co-sponsored by Charalambides at the recent Annual Session in Luxembourg.
“Amidst widespread calls from our citizens for increased transparency and accountability, I firmly believe that the OSCE PA could play an even more prominent role in this domain,” said President Tsereteli.
Last month the OSCE PA President was in Cyprus for a two day visit, encouraging continued engagement in parliamentary diplomacy to tackle enduring challenges and underlining the important partnership between Cyprus and the OSCE.
Charalambides was first elected as MP in 2011. Within both the House of Representatives as well as in the context of her mandate as head of the Cyprus delegation to the OSCE PA, the issue of preventing and combating corruption has maintained a central position on her agenda. In the Cyprus House of Representatives, she has submitted a Private Bill for the protection of whistleblowers and spearheaded efforts to increase transparency in the judiciary and the House of Representatives, as well as to bring to the forefront issues and documentation proving corruption that played a significant role in the banking crisis that hit Cyprus.
In order to fight the disinformation and fake news that invades the media environment and results in the erosion of confidence, polarization of politics and widespread confusion on important matters, OSCE PA President Tsereteli appointed Luca Santolini (San Marino) as Special Rapporteur on Disinformation and Propaganda.
“Disinformation and fake news clearly pose a serious danger to democracy and its core values, and to put it simply, there is no democracy without responsible and professional journalism,” said President Tsereteli.
This appointment also aims at welcoming the involvement of San Marino in fighting disinformation on the international stage and demonstrates that all OSCE participating States, regardless of their size, can contribute to our shared agenda, the President said. A high-level conference on the dangers of disinformation took place in San Marino on 10 May 2019, with OSCE PA Secretary General Roberto Montella addressing the participants.
Working in close co-operation with the OSCE PA’s Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions, the Special Rapporteur on Disinformation and Propaganda:
- Represents the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly at relevant international conferences;
- Promotes partnerships with the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media as well as the OSCE Chairmanship, other OSCE executive structures and with relevant international stakeholders on issues related to the promotion of media literacy and resilience to misinformation;
- Informs the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly of steps taken to counteract disinformation including related to strengthening national legislation to promote high-quality journalism, developing norms and standards that apply equally to both traditional and digital platforms, and encouraging accurate and diverse media content, while ensuring compliance with international legal guarantees of the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of the media;
- Considers relevant developments in the OSCE region and advises the President on any further steps to be taken.
Santolini, a former Captain Regent (Head of State) of the Republic of San Marino, has been a member of parliament since 2012 and Head of the Sammarinese Delegation to the OSCE PA since 2016. He holds a university degree in international relations and a specialization in publishing, media and journalism from the University of Urbino. In the past, he worked as a journalist and in the e-commerce sector and is now in charge of communication in his political movement. He is a strong supporter of San Marino’s active engagement in multilateral fora on the topic of fighting disinformation and fake news and has also been active in the PA's Committee on Economic Affairs, Science, Technology and Environment on climate change issues.Earlier this month President Tsereteli reappointed:
- Benjamin Cardin (United States) as Special Representative on Anti-Semitism, Racism and Intolerance;
- Hedy Fry (Canada) as Special Representative on Gender Issues;
- Christopher Smith (United States) as Special Representative on Human Trafficking Issues.
- Pascal Allizard (France) as Special Representative on Mediterranean Affairs;
- Mark Pritchard (United Kingdom) as Special Representative on South East Europe.