Press release issued by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
VIENNA, 25 February 2011 - The following is a press release issued by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly on 24 February. The views expressed in this press release do not necessarily reflect those of the OSCE Chairmanship, nor of all OSCE participating States.
Special Representative on Mediterranean Affairs calls for proactive democratic assistance in region
VIENNA, 25 February 2011—The OSCE should proactively reach out to help Mediterranean countries in transition to democracy, OSCE PA Special Representative on Mediterranean Affairs Alcee Hastings (United States) said today at the Winter Meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly.
The Assembly, with more than 230 parliamentarians participating from 53 countries, debated the situation in the Mediterranean, where OSCE Partners for Co-operation Egypt and Tunisia both have seen their governments fall in recent weeks.
“This debate is inspired by the courage and dignity of the people in Tunisia, Egypt, and throughout the Mediterranean region,” Mr. Hastings said as he opened the debate. “These are challenging and uncertain times but also hopeful in their opportunity.”
In calling for swift action to help countries looking to transition to democracy, Mr. Hastings asked parliamentarians to support with election monitoring and democratic institution building and personal contacts.
“We face dire circumstances of regional food insecurity and energy unreliability if we do not act decisively,” he said. “I recommend that participating States and the Lithuanian Chairmanship should be proactive in drafting proposals for support before being asked.”
He encouraged development of bilateral relationships to ensure that revolutions on the streets lead to lasting stability in governments.