Addressing security challenges requires rebuilding trust, says resolution to be considered at OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s 25th Annual Session
COPENHAGEN, 13 June 2016 – Pointing to a loss of trust between OSCE countries in recent years, the rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly’s political affairs and security committee, Margareta Cederfelt (MP, Sweden), has authored a report and draft resolution geared towards strengthening international dialogue and improving co-operation to meet common challenges facing the OSCE region. The resolution will be considered at the OSCE PA’s 25th Annual Session, being held in Tbilisi, Georgia, from 1 to 5 July.
“Since so many international problems require real multilateral engagement, the gridlock and loss of trust we have recently seen across the OSCE area has had a tangible and negative impact on our mutual security,” Cederfelt said today. “Only by strengthening dialogue and political will can diplomatic efforts succeed in bringing together belligerent parties, resolving conflicts and addressing common threats.”
In this regard, she said that the OSCE should utilize its full capacity to tackle problems including transnational terrorism and the crisis in and around Ukraine. The resolution also points to conflicts and challenges of refugees and internally displaced persons in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova as requiring greater attention and political will. Regarding Abkhazia, Georgia, and South Ossetia, Georgia, the resolution calls for strengthening international dialogue in regard to the security and stability arrangements, and urges the full implementation of the EU-brokered Six-Point Agreement of 12 August 2008.
Other key themes highlighted by the rapporteur include women in armed conflict, the link between security and democracy, and the fight against corruption. Specifically, Cederfelt’s resolution:
- Calls upon OSCE governments to harmonize and co-ordinate anti-terrorism legislation and intelligence-sharing, as well as develop measures to block the funding of terrorist groups;
- Urges all parties to the Ukraine conflict to fully implement the Package of Measures for the implementation of the Minsk Agreements, and calls for an international peacekeeping operation under the auspices of the UN and the OSCE to reinforce the Minsk Agreements;
- Calls for democratic and legal accountability in order to address corruption and ensure greater political integrity;
- Encourages OSCE countries to promote effective measures to provide security guarantees and humanitarian relief for women at all stages of the conflict cycle.
Regarding the crisis in and around Ukraine, which Cederfelt underlines has been exacerbated by Russian aggression, the resolution expresses “respect for the principles of the inviolability of frontiers and territorial integrity, peaceful settlement of disputes, equal rights, and self-determination of peoples as stated in the Helsinki Final Act, and calls on the Russian Federation to restrain its aggressive practices and reverse the illegal annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.”
Concern is also expressed over recent military escalation in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, with the resolution urging parliamentarians to encourage political will from the sides in the region to promote an agreement on confidence building-measures to reduce the risk for further hostilities.
Cederfelt’s draft resolution will be debated and amended during a number of meetings of the OSCE PA’s General Committee on Political Affairs and Security beginning on 2 July. The committee will also take up several other resolutions that cover additional matters related to the OSCE’s politico-military dimension of security. After the amendment process and their adoption by the committee, resolutions will be voted on by the full Assembly during the final day of the Annual Session on 5 July, for inclusion in the OSCE PA’s Tbilisi Declaration.
The Declaration, containing wide-ranging policy recommendations and pronouncements in the fields of security, economics and the environment, and human rights, will be sent to the foreign ministers of OSCE participating States and presented in national parliaments.
Held under the theme “25 Years of Parliamentary Co-operation: Building Trust Through Dialogue,” the Annual Session will take place at Expo Georgia Exhibition Center in Tbilisi, and is open to the media. Additional information, including the full text of resolutions and reports, is available here. Journalists interested in attending the Annual Session should register here by 20 June.
The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is comprised of 323 parliamentarians from 57 countries spanning Europe, Central Asia and North America. The Assembly provides a forum for parliamentary diplomacy, monitors elections, and strengthens international co-operation to uphold commitments on political, security, economic, environmental and human rights issues.