Combating gender-based violence in time of war: provision of social services and psychological assistance to victims. Youth camp for young professionals
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Timely provision of high-quality social services and psychological assistance to victims of gender-based violence, as well as training and professional development of young professionals in the field of combating domestic violence, remains especially relevant during wartime.
The OSCE Support Program for Ukraine announces the recruitment of young professionals – social workers and psychologists who work in general and specialized services for victims of domestic violence in Ukraine to participate in the Youth Camp "Combating gender-based violence in time of war".
During four days, participants will have the opportunity to learn the best practices of social work and psychological assistance to victims of domestic violence. During the Youth Camp, young specialists will be able to acquire a knowledge of new legislation, forms, causes and consequences of domestic violence, work on the mechanisms of response, communication, identification of needs, provision of social services and psychological assistance to victims and work with perpetrators, develop skills in awareness raising activities to prevent domestic violence in wartime.
Requirements for participants:
The Youth Camp is open to young professionals – social workers and psychologists who have been working in general and specialized services for victims of domestic violence in Ukraine for no more than 3 years.
Application procedure:
Participants will be selected on a competitive basis. The application must consist of:
- Completed application form ;
- Motivational letter (no more than 500 words) indicating the purpose of participation in the event and expectations from it (to be filled in on the form);
- Preference will be given to candidates who will complete the online course "HOME OF (IN)SECURITY" (the course is posted on the EdEra website:
The deadline for submission of applications is July 5 (inclusive). The results of the selection of successful candidates will be announced by July 11.
Modalities of the event:
Participation in the Youth Camp is free of charge. Travel expenses, accommodation and meals are provided by the organizers.
The Youth Camp will be held taking into account safety regulations in wartime.
The working language of the Camp is Ukrainian.
Successful candidates will be further informed about the exact venue and other details of the Youth Camp.
Contact information: For requests for additional information, please contact Nataliia Shpak, Senior Project Assistant of the OSCE Support Program for Ukraine, [email protected].