Opinion on Draft Amendements to Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning Transparency of Financing of Political Parties and Election Campaigns
This Opinion analyzes the provisions of the draft Amendments against the background of their compatibility with relevant international standards and OSCE commitments.
Opinion on the Draft Law of Ukraine on Combating Cybercrime
The scope of this Opinion only covers the Draft Law submitted for review. Thus limited, it does not constitute a full and comprehensive review of the entire legal and institutional framework relating to combating cybercrime in Ukraine. In particular, the opinion does not address issues pertaining to the definition of cybercrime under the Criminal Code, criminal procedure rules and provisions relating to mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Opinion on the Draft Law on Compensation of Damages for Victims of Criminal Acts in Montenegro
The scope of this Opinion mainly covers the Draft Law submitted for review. The Opinion focuses on aspects relating to the establishment and functioning of a state compensation scheme/fund covered by the Draft Law. Thus limited, it does not constitute a full and comprehensive review of the entire legal and institutional framework pertaining to the full and effective reparation1 of victims2 of criminal acts in Montenegro. It must be highlighted that the upcoming OSCE/ODIHR Opinion on the legal framework on preventing and combatting violence against women and domestic violence in Montenegro will further address other aspects pertaining to the reparation of victims of violence against women and domestic violence.
Opinion on Two Draft Anti-Corruption Laws of Ukraine
This Opinion analyzes the two draft Laws, the draft "Law of Ukraine on the National Bureau of Anti-Corruption Investigations" (hereinafter the 'NBACI draft Law') and the draft "Law of Ukraine on National Anticorruption Service" (hereinafter the 'NACS draft Law') against the background of their compatibility with relevant international standards and OSCE commitments.
Opinion on Certain Provisions of the Draft Act on Land-Use Planning and Construction of the Slovak Republic
The scope of this Opinion covers only certain provisions of the Draft Building Act, submitted for review.1 The Opinion does not address issues relating to the technical aspects of land use planning and building legislation and only analyzes the provisions of the Draft Building Act, in so far as they are relevant from a human rights perspective. Thus limited, the Opinion does not constitute a full and comprehensive review of the entire legal and institutional framework governing property, land and housing rights in the Slovak Republic.
Joint Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Legal Framework on the Disciplinary Responsibility of Judges in the Kyrgyz Republic
The scope of this Joint Opinion covers only the Draft Amendments, submitted for review, and the legislation that they are amending. Thus limited, the Joint Opinion does not constitute a full and comprehensive review of the entire legal and institutional framework governing the status and disciplinary responsibility of judges in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Opinion on the Law on the Selection, Performance Evaluation and Career of Judges of Moldova
The scope of this Opinion covers only the Law on the selection, performance evaluation and career of judges of Moldova, submitted for review. Thus limited, the Opinion does not constitute a full and comprehensive review of the judicial system of Moldova.
Opinion on Article 235 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The scope of this Opinion covers only Article 235 of the Criminal Code, as submitted
for review. The Opinion does not constitute a full and comprehensive review of the
entire legal and institutional framework governing the prohibition of torture and other
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.