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Election-related Legal Opinions and Comments
Legal books line the shelves of ODIHR's Elections Department. (OSCE/Agnieszka Rembowska) Photo details
Assessment of the Election Legislation of Turkmenistan
While the election laws of Turkmenistan recognize a number of important basic principles pertaining to the conduct of elections, such as the universal, direct and equal right to elect by secret ballot, the election legislation overall does not constitute a basic framework for democratic elections. A number of crucial aspects of the election process are regulated inadequately or not at all in the legislation. The simplicity of the legislation suggests that it could hardly cope with the complex issues and difficult decisions which arise in genuinely contested elections.
Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on Amendments and Changes to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan
The amendments to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan should be considered in the context of previous assessments of the Electoral Code by the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR, as well as OSCE/ODIHR election observation mission reports. The six most recent and most important documents are the Final Opinion on the Amendments to the Electoral Code of the Republic Azerbaijan of 25 October 2005 (CDLAD(2005)029), the Final Report of the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission for the 2005 Parliamentary Election (ODIHR.GAL/7/06), the Joint Final Assessment of the Electoral Code of Azerbaijan of 1 September 2003 (CDL-AD(2003)015), the Final Report of the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission for the 2003 Presidential election (FR03), the Joint Recommendations of 1 June 2004 (CDL-AD(2004)016rev and JR04) and the interim opinion on the proposed amendments to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CDL-AD(2005)018). These documents are interrelated. They contain important suggestions on how to improve the Electoral Code in order to provide a legal framework for elections consistent with international standards. This joint opinion reaffirms the previous
Joint Opinion on Amendments to the election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The joint opinion considers only the amendments to the Election Law and, therefore, must be considered with previous assessments of the Election Law by the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR. Of particular relevance are the Final Report of the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission for the 1 October 2006 General Elections (Warsaw, 6 February 2007), Venice Commission Opinion on Different Proposals for the Election of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Strasbourg, 20 March 2006) (CDL-AD(2006)004), OSCE/ODIHR Assessment of the Election Law for the 5 October 2002 Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Warsaw, 25 July 2002), and Venice Commission Opinion on the Electoral Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Strasbourg, 24 October 2001) (CDL-INF(2001)21). These documents contain important suggestions on how to improve the Election Law in order to maintain a legal framework for elections consistent with international standards.
Joint Opinion on the Electoral Code of Moldova as of March 27, 2007
Elections in Moldova have been observed by international organisations for many years, and the election laws have been reviewed by the Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR. The Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR issued a joint opinion in 2006 and the law has been amended after that. The Vice Speaker of the Parliament has listed in the “Report on the implementation of recommendations provided by the Council of Europe and the OSCE/ODIHR experts” which recommendations have been followed and has given the reasons for why some recommendations have not been followed. More precisely, the Parliament reported that most of the CoE experts’ recommendations were accepted and inserted in the text of the law, while “10 objections and proposals have been partially accepted or have not been accepted with the relevant arguments”. This Opinion should be read in conjuction with the Joint opinion on the Electoral Code of Moldova adopted at the 66th plenary session of the Venice Commission (17-18 March 2006, CDL-AD(2006)001), as a number of previous recommendations remain to be addressed.
Joint Opinion on Amendments to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania
This Joint Opinion on amendments to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania is provided by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (“OSCE/ODIHR”) and the
Council of Europe’s European Commission for Democracy Through Law (“Venice Commission”). This opinion comments on the amendments that have been introduced to the Code subsequent to the Joint Recommendations on the Electoral
Law and the Electoral Administration in Albania made by the OSCE/ODIHR and Venice Commission on 2 November 2004. The present opinion was elaborated following resolution 1320 (2003) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which invites the Venice Commission to formulate opinions concerning possible improvements to legislation and practices in particular member states or applicant countries.
Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on Voters Lists of Croatia
In the framework of their cooperation on the reform of the electoral legislation the authorities of Croatia requested the OSCE/ODIHR and the Venice Commission to provide an opinion on the Law on Voter Lists of the Republic of Croatia (Doc. CDL(2007)044rev). The Central State Administration Office developed a Bill on Voter Lists (“the Draft Law”), which the Croatian Government has submitted for consideration by the Parliament (Sabor). While the Draft Law would not make fundamental changes to the method of voter registration, it would lead to important administrative and procedural changes that could ultimately affect the rights of voters.
Joint Opinion on the 26 February 2007 Amendements to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia
Following that opinion, the Venice Commission together with OSCE/ODIHR provided a Final Opinion on the amendments to the electoral code of the Republic of Armenia passed on 22 December 2006 (CDL-EL(2007)002). This Final Opinion was adopted on 16-17 March 2007 by the Venice Commission (CDL-AD(2007)013). Further amendments to the electoral code were passed on 26 February 2007 (CDL-EL(2007)008), which were not covered by the Final Opinion. This current review is limited to the changes made in February 2007.
Joint Opinion on the Law on the State Register of Voters of Ukraine
On 22 February 2007 the Verkhovna Rada (national Parliament) of Ukraine adopted a Law on the State Register of Voters. This draft opinion is based on comments of the Law prepared by Messrs Joseph Middleton (expert for the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the OSCE) and Ángel Sánchez Navarro (Substitute Member, Council of Europe’s European Commission For Democracy Through Law, Spain), and are made on an English translation of the text. A previous Draft Law on the State Voter Register of Ukraine had been prepared in 2005 and commented jointly by the OSCE/ODIHR and the Venice Commission upon a request from the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. A Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on the State
Register of Voters on Ukraine, (CDL-AD(2006)003), was adopted by the Venice Commission in December 2005. This Law should be considered in view of the objective to complete the establishment of a voter register for 2010.