OSCE/ODIHR final report on Latvia’s parliamentary elections notes respect for fundamental freedoms, recommends review of candidacy right provisions
While finding that Latvia’s 4 October 2014 parliamentary elections took place in an open and peaceful environment with respect for fundamental freedoms, the final report by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) recommends a review of limitations on the rights of some individuals to run as candidates.
The report, published on 18 December 2014, notes that the election administration performed its duties in an impartial and transparent manner and that the campaign took place in an open and peaceful environment, with respect for fundamental freedoms of expression, association and assembly.
Providing individuals the right to run for office independently, along with the review of disproportionate limitations to candidacy rights for ex-prisoners and persons subject to lustration, are among the main recommendations in the report.
Overall, the mission found that the legal framework provides a sound basis for the conduct of democratic elections. While recent amendments addressed some previous ODIHR recommendations, certain aspects of the legislation could benefit from further review, including provisions for international and citizen observers, as well as on campaign finance regulation.
Noting that, contrary to good practice, defamation remains a criminal offence, the report recommends its decriminalization. As many media outlets in the country are perceived to be politically affiliated, the report recommends measures to limit the concentration of media ownership and to promote media pluralism.
In order to more actively involve national minorities in the political process, the report also recommends that the authorities explore ways to increase the naturalization rate of non-citizens and provide broader voter education in minority languages.
Additional recommendations relate to introducing temporary special legislative measures to promote women’s political participation and taking practical measures to ensure the secrecy of the vote.