OSCE/ODIHR final report on Germany’s parliamentary elections recommends strengthening campaign finance provisions
While noting public confidence in Germany’s political and campaign finance system, the final report on the country’s 24 September 2017 parliamentary elections issued by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) on 27 November 2017, recommends particular measures to further improve the system’s transparency, integrity and accountability.
The election expert team deployed by ODIHR for the parliamentary elections focused on specific aspects of the election related to the campaign finance system and the campaign environment.
The report recommends the disclosure of financial reports, including on campaign finance, in a more timely manner, and their subsequent publication. It also recommends establishing clear oversight and monitoring powers for campaign financing, and their assignment to an independent body.
In assessing the complaints and appeals process, the report recommends ensuring the effective and timely protection of electoral rights, by providing reasonable deadlines for the resolution of post-election complaints.