OSCE/ODIHR final report on France’s presidential election recommends measures to improve campaign finance and media regulations
France’s presidential election on 23 April and 7 May 2017 was conducted in a pluralistic and transparent manner, but certain aspects of the legal framework for elections could benefit from further review, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) said in its final report released on 30 August 2017.
While France has a well-developed legal and institutional framework for regulating political and campaign finance, the report states that some provisions for the disclosure of donations and expenditures could be strengthened to ensure its proper regulation.
In particular, the report recommends prohibiting contributions made in the name of another person, lowering the ceiling for cash donations and amending the law to require reporting on election-related expenditures by third parties. It also recommends measures to strengthen the mandate of the political and campaign finance oversight authority.
The legal framework for media coverage of elections guarantees freedom of speech and provides for pluralism across the media landscape, the report states. However, the report calls on the authorities to decriminalize defamation and to revise the press law to bring it in line with international standards on freedom of expression. It also suggests that the independent broadcasting authority publicly disclose violations committed by a media outlet when issuing a public warning, to ensure transparency and pluralism in the broadcast sector.
The election expert team deployed by ODIHR on 18 April to follow the presidential election focused on specific aspects of the election related to campaign finance and the media.