OSCE/ODIHR experts discuss electoral recommendations in Bulgaria
Election experts from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) met with electoral stakeholders in Sofia on 12 and 13 December 2017 to present the final report of ODIHR’s limited election observation mission for the 26 March 2017 early parliamentary elections in Bulgaria.
The report’s findings and recommendations were presented to officials from the Legal Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, the Central Election Commission and other institutions. ODIHR experts also held a roundtable meeting with representatives of civil society.
Discussions focused on recommendations to ensure citizens` active and passive electoral rights and the freedom of expression during elections, as well as on how to enhance the system of election dispute resolution and the decision-making process within the election administration. Other recommendations discussed concerned the implementation of new voting technologies and further enhancing the efficiency of campaign finance oversight.
“We consider the commitment at the highest political levels to discuss ODIHR's recommendations to be an indication of the importance placed on further improving the electoral process,” said Steven Martin, ODIHR Senior Adviser on New Voting Technologies. “This is an opportune moment for an inclusive approach to enhancing electoral legislation and practice in Bulgaria, and ODIHR remains ready to support such efforts.”
Other recommendations discussed included refining the voter registration process, particularly by addressing possible multiple voting, exploring ways for the public broadcaster to enhance editorial coverage of the campaign, and better regulating the use of opinion polls during elections.
All OSCE participating States have committed themselves to following up on ODIHR's election assessments and recommendations.