International observers present OSCE/ODIHR final report and recommendations in Moscow
MOSCOW, 19 January 2017 – Representatives of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (PA) are in Moscow from 18 to 20 January 2017 to present the final report of the ODIHR election observation mission for the 18 September 2016 parliamentary elections in the Russian Federation. The report’s findings and recommendations will be discussed with representatives of state authorities, election administration, civil society and the international community.
“We noted the improved transparency in the election administration for the September elections, and I hope that the parliament and other authorities will similarly undertake the important additional reforms that are necessary,” said Ilkka Kanerva, appointed as Special Co-ordinator to lead the short-term OSCE observer mission. “With a presidential election expected in 2018, the coming year presents an excellent window of opportunity to respond to ODIHR’s recommendations, in the interests of all Russian citizens.”
“During this visit, we encouraged the authorities of the Russian Federation to follow-up on the recommendations in the ODIHR election reports, as all OSCE participating States committed themselves to do”, said Michael Georg Link, ODIHR Director. “ODIHR looks forward to continuing its co-operation with the Russian Federation and stands ready to provide assistance with a view to improving the electoral process, as well as in other areas of the Office’s mandate.”
Among the report’s recommendations is simplifying the election-related legal framework, with respect to candidate registration, campaigning and media coverage. The report underlines that, in order to increase the integrity of and public confidence in the electoral process, the election administration should be guided by the law and principles of transparency, impartiality and independence.
“The national legislation concerning the freedoms of association, assembly and expression should be aligned with international standards, and fundamental freedoms need to be fully respected,” said Jan Petersen, who led the ODIHR election observation mission. “Ensuring equal opportunities for all electoral contestants and creating a competitive political environment that can result in viable political alternatives is of crucial importance.”
The report further recommends that legislation be amended to guarantee non-partisan citizen observers the opportunity to independently scrutinize the electoral process. To enhance trust in the electoral dispute resolution process, the report also recommends that all cases of election violations be investigated, and those responsible be prosecuted in accordance with the law.
All OSCE participating States have committed themselves to promptly follow up on ODIHR election assessments and recommendations. They have also committed themselves to ensure that legislation be adopted through an inclusive public procedure. During the meetings, ODIHR representatives indicated that key outstanding recommendations for improving the conduct of elections and trust in the electoral process need to be addressed, and that ODIHR stands ready to provide a legal expertise in this reform process.
For further information contact:
Andreas Baker, OSCE PA, at +45 60 10 81 26 or [email protected]
Thomas Rymer, OSCE/ODIHR at +48 609 522 266, [email protected]