Draft guidelines on preventing intolerance against Muslims advanced at Vienna meeting
Some 40 participants, including government officials, education experts, teachers, and representatives of non-governmental organizations met in Vienna on 16 May to discuss the latest draft of a planned publication to be called “Guidelines for Educators to Counter Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims”.
The meeting was hosted by the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR); the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); and the Council of Europe. All three organizations have worked on education projects in the past, including their joint publication of Human Rights Education in the School Systems of Europe, Central Asia and North America: A Compendium of Good Practices, published in 2009.
The purpose of the consultation meeting was to ensure that the final guidelines take into account a wide range of expert voices so that they will be relevant for educators from all parts of the OSCE region.
Speaking at the meeting, ODIHR First Deputy Director Douglas Wake said: “These guidelines are unique in so many respects. This is the first time that a special tool addressing intolerance and discrimination against Muslims is being developed at the international level. Second, the guidelines are being produced through a joint initiative between OSCE/ODIHR, UNESCO and the Council of Europe, which substantially increases the number of their beneficiaries. Third, these guidelines are being developed through a wide consultative process.”