Britain hosts OSCE training course for police on hate crime response
WARSAW/LONDON, 20 November 2007 - Police trainers from 15 countries are taking part in an OSCE-organized seminar on responding to hate crimes held in London this week.
The training of trainers course, organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) with the support of the City of London Police, will focus on effective first response, investigation, intelligence-gathering and information-sharing, as well as successful management of relations with victims, witnesses and affected communities.
"Crimes motivated by hate are particularly aggravating and have a potential to threaten security and stability within and between communities and states. It is therefore essential that we do whatever we can to fight hate crimes," said Ambassador Christian Strohal, ODIHR Director.
Commissioner Mike Bowron said: "Providing an effective response to hate-motivated crime relies on officers receiving first-class training. The City of London Police is delighted to be hosting a programme which will equip officers from a whole range of nations to deliver this in their own countries."
The training course is a part of OSCE/ODIHR's programme on combating hate crimes, which has been implemented by Croatia, Hungary, Spain and Ukraine. The course offers police officers the know-how on developing and delivering training according to their national police curricula.
At the end of the training, a regional network aimed at supporting efforts to address hate crime as a trans-border phenomenon will be launched and attended by the training participants. The new network will provide training and technical assistance to other OSCE States and also facilitate the exchange of information and intelligence on hate symbols and organized hate groups.
Journalists will be able to meet the trainers and take part in a training session from 8:30 on Wednesday, 21 November, at the headquarters of the City of London Police, 21 New Street, London.
Please confirm your attendance in advance (tel: +48 695 909 903). For more information on the programme, visit