Steps needed to improve Roma and Sinti participation in decision-making processes at the local level, say participants at OSCE/ODIHR expert meeting
The effective political participation of Roma and Sinti, including of women and youth from these communities, was the focus of an expert meeting organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in Warsaw on 28 November 2014.
The meeting brought together 22 Roma and Sinti political activists and elected representatives at the local and national levels, as well as experts and academics specializing in the political participation of Roma and Sinti. During the meeting, which focused on local-level political engagement, participants discussed possible solutions to address the many challenges and barriers faced by Roma and Sinti candidates and voters during local elections, with a particular focus on women and youth.
“Local authorities have very concrete and direct competences when it comes to Roma and Sinti inclusion; they decide on how education, health, infrastructure and utilities are made available to all citizens,” said Mirjam Karoly, ODIHR’s Senior Adviser for Roma and Sinti Issues. “At the same time, Roma and Sinti communities continue to be under-represented in local councils, where most of the decisions that affect them are made.”
Participants also examined the effectiveness of different decision-making mechanisms for Roma and Sinti at the local level, including whether their needs and interests are better addressed by way of minority representation systems or through their representation in mainstream political parties.
Agnes Osztolykan, Former Member of the Hungarian National Assembly, said: “In some states, the representational gap has been addressed through legislation that sets up systems of minority representation. Such systems allow for representation of minority members, yet their competencies are often limited. I know from my own experience that Roma, especially women, need access to elected office by way of mainstream political parties in order to make their voices really heard.”
Participants recommended introducing voter education and awareness-raising programmes to address problems such as “controlled voting”, vote-buying, and a lack of voter education. In particular, the need to ensure that all Roma and Sinti have the necessary registration documents to enable them to exercise their civic rights was highlighted.
The issue of effective political participation of Roma and Sinti has received significantly less attention than other challenges facing these communities. The OSCE is one of the first international organizations to recognize that participation in decision-making processes is key to achieving Roma and Sinti integration at the local level.