OSCE/ODIHR renews work of its advisory panel on freedom of religion or belief
The new 12-member Advisory Panel of Experts on Freedom of Religion of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) met for the first time in Warsaw on 18 June 2013 to map out the Panel’s role in providing assistance to OSCE participating States.
Representatives from the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission joined the meeting of the Panel members to discuss effective practices in conducting the review of legislation in OSCE participating States. ODIHR and the Venice Commission regularly co-operate in the provision of such reviews, on the request of participating States, to assist them in strengthening the implementation of OSCE commitments and other international standards on freedom of religion or belief.
The composition of the Panel reflects the diversity of the OSCE region, with members serving in their personal capacities as experts, and not representing any state, organization or confession.
“The expertise provided by the Panel, its diverse composition and broad experience of its members are invaluable to the work ODIHR does in helping OSCE participating States meet their commitments in this area,” said Ambassador Janez Lenarčič, the Director of ODIHR. “
The Panel will also work together with experts from ODIHR and from the Venice Commission on the forthcoming Guidelines on Recognition of Religious or Belief Communities. This publication will analyse how international standards and good practices on the use of recognition can enhance the freedom of religion or belief, rather than restrict the activities of religious or belief communities.