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Documentos finales del Consejo Ministerial de la OSCE
Final Document of the Eleventh Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council, Maastricht, 1-2 December 2003 (es)
OSCE Strategy to Address Threats to Security and Stability in the Twenty-First Century, OSCE Strategy Document for Economic and Environmental Dimension, Statement on South-Eastern Europe as a Region of Co-operation, Chairperson's Perception Statement
Final Document of the Tenth Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council, Porto, 6-7 December 2002 (es)
Porto Ministerial Declaration, OSCE Charter on Preventing and Combating Terrorism, Declaration on Trafficking in Human Beings, Statements by the Ministerial Council, Decisions and reports.
Final Document of the Ninth Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council, Bucharest, 3-4 December 2001 (es)
Bucharest Ministerial Declaration, Decision on Combating Terrorism, Bucharest Plan of Action for Combating Terrorism, Statements by the Ministerial Council, Decisions and Reports.
Final Document of the Eighth Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council, Vienna, 27-28 November 2000 (es)
Vienna Declaration on the role of the OSCE in South-Eastern Europe, Decisions of the Vienna Ministerial Council Meeting, Statement by the Chairperson-in-Office, Reports to the Vienna Ministerial Council Meeting, OSCE Document on Small Arms and Light Weapons.