OSCE Mission to Montenegro supports regional efforts in combating organized crime
The OSCE Mission to Montenegro donated six notebook computers and one printer/scanner machine to Montenegrin Interior Ministry, as part of a regional project on combating organized crime.
The project, run in partnership with the national Interior Ministries in Belgrade and Skopje, foresees the capacity development of the Criminal Police Sector, with an aim to improve strategic analysis of the threat posed by organized crime.
This initiative focuses on promoting regional strategic police co-ordination, regional networks, and fostering capacity- and knowledge-building in the area of fighting organized crime.
Intelligence police analysts from each country will receive unique technical equipment, and attend a training programme resulting in producing a standardized assessment report on emerging and changing trends in transnational organized crime in line with SOCTA (Serious Organized Crime Threat Assessments) standards in the three countries.
The regional project is financed by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and being implemented by the OSCE Mission to Serbia in co-operation with the OSCE Missions to Skopje and to Montenegro.