OSCE Mission supports Montenegro’s anti-discrimination efforts
Within the scope of strengthening mechanisms supporting Montenegro in the area of human rights and anti-discrimination, the OSCE Mission to Montenegro and the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights organized a two–day workshop for 25 misdemeanour judges on 7 April 2014 in Przno.
The workshop tackled the general aspects of discrimination and provided an introduction to specific topics to follow up in subsequent training activities.
“Although the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination, subsequent amendments, and other anti-discrimination legislation are comprehensive, their effective implementation still remains a challenge,” said Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, Ambassador Janina Hrebickova said. “Therefore, judicial bodies, the Ombudsperson, police, inspection units, and other law enforcement institutions should be fully aware of their crucial role that these laws entrust to them. ”
She reiterated the OSCE’s continued support for Montenegro’s anti-discrimination efforts, and said the forthcoming training activities will serve as a practical tool to facilitate them.
Minister for Human and Minority Rights, Suad Numanovic stated that the biggest step in the fight against discrimination was already made through the provision of the legal framework, but “more ef-forts are needed for its complete implementation.”
President of the Misdemeanour Judges of Montenegro Zoran Zivkovic emphasized the importance of co-operation with local authorities to continue providing protection from discrimination.
The event is the start of the fourth cycle of training that will include five workshops with relevant top-ics to fully cover the most frequent grounds for discrimination.