Constitutional protection of human rights in Montenegro discussed at OSCE-supported conference
How to further develop the constitutional protection of human rights in Montenegro was the topic of an OSCE-supported conference held in Bečići on the 10-11 June 2013.
Legal experts, representatives of the Constitutional Court of Montenegro and the ordinary courts, as well as representatives of the international organizations and civil society discussed effective remedy in accordance with Articles 13 and 35 of the European Convention of Human Rights, the constitutional appeal and constitutional protection of human rights in Montenegro and developed recommendations. The event also provided a forum for discussion on the practices in the field of human rights and the standards of the European Court of Human Rights.
The event was organized by the non-governmental organization Centre for Democracy (CEDEM) and the AIRE Center from London and supported by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the British Embassy in Podgorica.