Прирачник за набљудување на регистрацијата на гласачите
A better understanding of the legislative and administrative aspects of voter registration will enhance the work of analysts and observers in ODIHR election observation activities. This handbook aims primarily at election and legal analysts, but other core team members of election observation missions (EOM), as well as long-term observers (LTOs) and short-term observers (STOs), will also benefit from this handbook. While this handbook is mainly aimed at EOMs, members of election assessment missions (EAMs) and other ODIHR election observation activities could also benefit from referring to the handbook. ODIHR hopes that other international and domestic observer groups will also use it for their observation activities.
Ставовите, мислењата, заклучоците и останатите информации изразени во овој документ, не мора да го изразуваат ставот на Организацијата за безбедност и соработка во Европа (ОБСЕ), освен доколку не е експлицитно наведено дека ОБСЕ е автор на документот.