OSCE welcomes adoption of the BiH Strategy for Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons
SARAJEVO, 25 February 2021 - The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) welcomes today’s adoption of the 2021-2024 BiH Strategy for Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and its action plan by the BiH Council of Ministers.
The Mission supported the BiH SALW Control Coordination Board in the development of the Strategy, recognizing effective arms control as vital to ensuring the safety and security of BiH citizens and the wider region.
The Strategy is based on best international standards and practices, including those of the United Nations. Its four strategic objectives focus on: improvement and harmonization of the legal framework in the implementation of SALW legislation; reduction of abuse of illegal possession and trade of firearms and ammunition; management of SALW in the possession of the Armed Forces of BiH; and co-operation with international and regional organizations and civil society organizations in this area.
The Strategy will enhance the effectiveness of arms control efforts in BiH as well as advance implementation of the Roadmap for a sustainable solution to the illegal possession, misuse and trafficking of SALW and their ammunition in the Western Balkans by 2024.
The Mission will continue providing support in implementing the priorities set out in the new SALW Control Strategy, building on our longstanding partnership with BiH authorities, in implementing its principal arms control strategies and plans and in accordance with international commitments.