Trafficking in human beings in focus of OSCE-supported training course in Bosnia and Herzegovina
A training course on combating trafficking in human beings, organized by the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and the BiH Ministry of Security for officers of the Border Police and the Service for Foreigners' Affairs, concluded on 7 June 2017 in Sarajevo.
A wide array of topics related to trafficking in human beings was addressed, including the legislative framework, legal measures in securing evidence and identification and protection of victims.
Particular emphasis was placed on evolving nature of border-related threats which require effective inter-agency co-operation and integrated border management. “The implementation of the Strategy for Integrated Border Management in BiH requires strengthening the capacity of the Border Police and the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs to identify victims of trafficking,” said William Langan, Head of the OSCE Mission to BiH’s Security Co-operation Unit.
“The aim of this course is to increase officers’ practical and theoretical knowledge of the elements of crimes related to trafficking in human beings and the role of law enforcement agencies and prosecutors in the investigation of such cases and the protection of victims,” he added.
The training course was implemented as a part of the OSCE Mission to BiH’s wider efforts to support the fight against trafficking in human beings in BiH by strengthening the capacity of the relevant agencies to detect and investigate this crime.