Belarusian police experts on community policing study tour to Hungary
MINSK, 13 September 2010 - A group of representatives from the Belarusian Interior Ministry started a study tour in Hungary today as part of an OSCE project on enhancing interaction between the police and local communities.
The study tour, which continues until 17 September, aims to familiarize the Belarusian participants with Hungary's experience with community-oriented policing. In particular, special attention will be paid to the practical aspects of establishing and maintaining co-operation and partnerships between the police and the population.
The Senior Police Adviser to the OSCE Secretary General, Knut Dreyer, said: "This study tour offers the Belarusian Interior Ministry representatives the opportunity to discuss experiences and lessons learned with their Hungarian counterparts, and to continue this dialogue later on a national level with relevant official and non-governmental stakeholders."