OSCE Mission helps Kosovo police develop community policing strategy and action plan
The new Kosovo community policing strategy and action plan were finalized in an OSCE-supported workshop held from 27 to 29 March 2012 in Prevallë/Prevalac, Prizren. Kosovo police management, front line officers and representatives of local and international organizations involved with public safety contributed to the effort.
The community policing concept is designed to build trust between the police and the public through communication and the joint identification, prevention and solving of concerns. The strategy and the action plan will help Kosovo police apply the concept in all areas, from traffic safety to combating organized crime.
“Our intention is to establish a partnership with the public, get closer and communicate with them in order to increase trust and solve problems together,” said Colonel Reshat Maliqi of the Kosovo police.
The community policing concept has been used in Kosovo for some time, but its full implementation has remained a challenge as it required fundamental changes in police work and structures.
“The newly agreed strategy should help address outstanding issues and enable the effective implementation of the community policing concept Kosovo-wide,” said Sergey Sidorov, head of the OSCE Community Safety Development Section. “We will support Kosovo police in this regard through training and our involvement with community safety forums that bring together local residents, municipal officials and the police.”
The strategy will be implemented immediately through the five-year action plan. The community policing concept will be included in Kosovo police procedures and policies, training programmes, performance evaluation and promotional practices.
The OSCE Mission works to strengthen the security and public safety sector in Kosovo. It provides assistance and capacity building to public safety agencies and supports the implementation of the community policing concept.