OSCE Mission Head inaugurates Kosovo's new multi-ethnic TV station
PRISTINA 12 July 2004
(OSCE)Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo Pascal Fieschi (left) opens Kosovo's new multi-ethnic media station, TV Herc, in Strpce/Shtërpce, 12 July 2004.
(OSCE) Photo details
PRISTINA, 12 July 2004 - Ambassador Pascal Fieschi, the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, today opened the first multi-ethnic private television station in Kosovo, in the municipality of Strpce/Shterpce. The station, TV Herc, brings together Kosovo Serbs and Kosovo Albanians in a joint editorial team.
"Co-operation between Serbs and Albanians within TV Herc will ensure that all inhabitants of Strpce/Shterpce will have access to information on events relevant to the area that they live in," Ambassador Fieschi said. "We see this as a further step towards improving mutual relations among neighbours."
Strpce/Shterpce has made great strides in improving relations between communities which was a factor in the decision to support TV Herc. The OSCE Mission's support, which has taken the form of training sessions and study visits to other Kosovo television stations, as well as purchasing equipment, will help to consolidate and improve upon this progress.
TV Herc's 12 staff members (three Kosovo Albanians and nine Kosovo Serbs) will produce local news four times a day and live shows featuring prominent figures from the local and international community. The station will also broadcast Voice of America news in both the Serbian and Albanian languages.
Ambassador Fieschi stressed the importance of a truly multi-ethnic, private media in Kosovo: "The tragic events in March again showed that a lack of communication and inability to speak to each other led to biased reporting that produced hysteria and made matters worse. Objective and unbiased reporting rather than deliberate misinformation can help avoid tensions."
The OSCE Mission in Kosovo will continue to support the development of independent and professional media in Kosovo. These efforts are aimed at increasing the capacities of media, particularly those of minority groups, which bring communities together and offer a chance for reconciliation.
"Co-operation between Serbs and Albanians within TV Herc will ensure that all inhabitants of Strpce/Shterpce will have access to information on events relevant to the area that they live in," Ambassador Fieschi said. "We see this as a further step towards improving mutual relations among neighbours."
Strpce/Shterpce has made great strides in improving relations between communities which was a factor in the decision to support TV Herc. The OSCE Mission's support, which has taken the form of training sessions and study visits to other Kosovo television stations, as well as purchasing equipment, will help to consolidate and improve upon this progress.
TV Herc's 12 staff members (three Kosovo Albanians and nine Kosovo Serbs) will produce local news four times a day and live shows featuring prominent figures from the local and international community. The station will also broadcast Voice of America news in both the Serbian and Albanian languages.
Ambassador Fieschi stressed the importance of a truly multi-ethnic, private media in Kosovo: "The tragic events in March again showed that a lack of communication and inability to speak to each other led to biased reporting that produced hysteria and made matters worse. Objective and unbiased reporting rather than deliberate misinformation can help avoid tensions."
The OSCE Mission in Kosovo will continue to support the development of independent and professional media in Kosovo. These efforts are aimed at increasing the capacities of media, particularly those of minority groups, which bring communities together and offer a chance for reconciliation.