OSCE Mission launches education centre for Kosovo media
PRISTINA, 29 May 2007 - A new educational institution opened today by the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo offers media professionals a chance to enhance their skills.
"Many see media as the guardians of democracy or as the fourth force besides the legislative, the executive and judiciary in a democratic system," said Ambassador Werner Wnendt, Head of the OSCE Mission. "Independent, critical and constructive media can also in Kosovo play an important role."
The Kosovo Media Institute (KMI) is the first mid-career training educational centre for journalists and media technicians from all of Kosovo's ethnic communities. It will provide a wide range of courses on professional skills, issue-based journalism and media management, run by a strong team of domestic media trainers.
"The KMI is unique because it will be owned and run by media companies. This commitment is indispensable for improving the quality of journalism and the functioning of strong, professional, pluralistic and independent media," Wnendt said.
In addition, the KMI will develop relationships among Kosovo journalists and their counterparts in the region. It will also work to improve monitoring and research of media, media policy, publications and public relations.
The OSCE Mission, together with the European Agency for Reconstruction and the Open Society Institute provided the initial financial support to the KMI for equipment and operations.
The OSCE will continue to offer its support to the development of the KMI so it can effectively fulfill its function in the interest of professional development of Kosovo's media.