OSCE Kosovo Mission welcomes signing of Independent Media Commission law
PRISTINA, 11 July 2005 - The OSCE Mission in Kosovo today welcomed the signing of a law on the Independent Media Commission by the UN Special Representative, Søren Jessen-Petersen.
"Free, independent and professional electronic media are crucial components in the democratic development of a society," said Ambassador Werner Wnendt, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo.
"The establishment of the Independent Media Commission [IMC] as the regulatory body for electronic media is an essential step on this path."
The SRSG signed the law which was passed earlier this year by the Assembly of Kosovo, with a number of revisions in line with best European practices. One important revision will ensure that the independence and authority of the IMC are distinct from the regulatory authority of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority. Other changes are meant to enhance the clarity of Law and the functions of the IMC.
The Temporary Media Commissioner, founded by the OSCE Mission in 2000, will now enter a transition phase as it is replaced by the IMC. The IMC will retain all responsibilities for the licensing and regulation of broadcast media in Kosovo.
"The future of the IMC in fulfilling its responsibilities as an independent institution has been secured," said Ambassador Wnendt. "The handover of media regulation to a local institution by the end of this year can now start."
The Media Appeals Board will continue to hear appeal cases filed by the print media until there is a mechanism of self-regulation such as the Press Council.