Ukrainian NGO from Crimea to receive Van der Stoel prize 2009

THE HAGUE, 12 October 2009 - An international jury led by the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Knut Vollebaek, will award the fourth Van der Stoel Prize to the Integration and Development Centre for Information and Research (IDC) from Crimea, Ukraine on Wednesday.
Vollebaek explained the jury's decision, saying: "This NGO has become a symbol of co-operation and tolerance, admirably reflecting the spirit of the work of Max van der Stoel and making it a deserving and fitting recipient of the award that bears his name."
The IDC, established in 1997, has consistently advocated through its work that Crimea, as an integral part of Ukraine, should be home to all communities, be it ethnic Ukrainians, Russians or Crimean Tatars and not exclusively to any one group. To this end, the IDC has initiated, developed and implemented projects, particularly in the field of education, aimed at facilitating genuine integration and participation of all ethnic communities.
The award, honouring the man who served as the first OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities between 1993 and 2001, was established by the Netherlands Foreign Ministry in 2001. The biennial prize of 50,000 euros is awarded in recognition of extraordinary and outstanding achievements aimed at improving the position of national minorities in the OSCE participating States.
This year's award will be presented by the Netherlands Minister for European Affairs Frans Timmermans.
Journalists are invited to attend the award ceremony at 16.00 on Wednesday, 14 October at Het Spaansche Hof, The Hague.