966th Plenary Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation
Situation in and around Ukraine (Russian Federation, Annex 1). Winter 2021 joint military exercise to be conducted by Azerbaijan and Turkey from 1 to 12 February 2021 (Armenia, Annex 2). Security Dialogue: Enhanced Forward Presence: – Presentation by Ms. B. San, NATO Director of Operations; – Presentation by Mr. M. Murphy, Deputy Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, US Department of State; – Presentation by Colonel G. Trohel, French Ministry of Defence; – Presentation by Ms. A. Tyskiewicz, Deputy Director of Security Policy, Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs; – Presentation by Mr. K. Aleksa, Director for International Relations and Operations, Lithuanian Ministry of Defence (Albania, Annex 3; France, Annex 4; Germany, Annex 5; Romania, Annex 6; Norway, Annex 7; Bulgaria, Annex 8; Russian Federation, Annex 9). Introduction of an extrabudgetary project on the FSC e-learning programme (Switzerland, also on behalf of Finland and Liechtenstein, Annex 10; FSC Co-ordinator for the Vienna Document (Sweden, also on behalf of the FSC Co-ordinator for the Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security (Switzerland)), the FSC Co-ordinator for Matters Related to UNSCR 1325 (Albania), the FSC Co-ordinator on Non-Proliferation Issues (Belarus), the FSC Co-ordinator for Projects on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition (Austria) and the Chairperson of the Informal Group of Friends on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition (Latvia), Annex 11). Request to ensure neutrality in officially distributed OSCE documents and materials on the status of Kosovo (Serbia, Annex 12). Request for assistance in enhancing the capacity of the national authorities of Azerbaijan for implementing explosive hazards risk reduction and responsive actions (Azerbaijan, Annex 13).