Legal review of the draft law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On the manipulation of information”
Summary of the legal review of the draft law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On the manipulation of information”. The analysis was prepared by Ms. Galina Arapova, a legal expert from the Russian Federation. Summary available in English, full legal review available in Russian only.
Legal review of the draft Law on Audiovisual Media and the Law on Electronic Communications in Albania
Legal review of the draft Law on Audiovisual Media and the Law on Electronic Communications in the Republic of Albania. The analysis was prepared by Dr. Joan Barata Mir, an independent media freedom expert.
Legal review of the Uzbek draft law "On Broadcasting"
Summary of the legal review of the draft law "On Broadcasting" of Uzbekistan. The analysis was prepared by Mr. Dmitry Golovanov, a legal expert from the Russian Federation.
Updated legal review of the draft Law on Audiovisual Media and the Law of Electronic Communications in Albania
Updated legal review on the draft laws on changes and amendments to the law on audiovisual media and the law of electronic communications in the Republic of Albania (Proposal of a Law on Media Services), and other relevant provisions regarding the regulation of certain types of content provided through the Internet. The analysis was prepared by Dr. Joan Barata Mir, an independent media freedom expert.
Legal Analysis of the draft Law on Media Services in Albania
Legal review of the draft laws on changes and amendments to the Law on Audiovisual Media in the Republic of Albania (Proposal of a Law on Media Services). The analysis was prepared by Dr. Joan Barata Mir, an independent media freedom expert.
International Standards and Comparative National Approaches to Countering Disinformation in the Context of Freedom of the Media
This report takes a retrospective look at existing international standards, current national and international practices of policy-making and regulation, as well as related efforts by media associations and companies in the OSCE region to countering disinformation in the context of freedom of the media.
Legal Commentary to the Draft Information Security Concept of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2019 - 2023
Legal Commentary to the Draft Information Security Concept of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2019 - 2023 published by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media.