OSCE Media Representative discusses hard-hitting report on Kosovo media face-to-face with journalists
VIENNA, 6 May 2004 - The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti, presented his recent critical report on the behaviour of the media during the mid-March riots in Kosovo to TV, radio and print journalists at press conferences he gave in Pristina and Mitrovica last week.
He was accompanied by Dardan Gashi, the author of the report, originally released on 22 April at a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna.
Mr. Haraszti, who was in Kosovo for a three-day visit from 3 to 5 May, met both media representatives and elected officials of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government. He also met the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in Kosovo (SRSG), Harri Holkeri.
During his visit, the Representative held consultations with the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Pascal Fieschi, and the Temporary Media Commissioner, Robert Gillette.
In their meeting, representatives of the Office of the President of Kosovo, the Office of the Prime Minister, and the Assembly all agreed with Mr Haraszti's recommendation on better self-regulation by the media in Kosovo, and that codification of media-related legislation remains a high priority.
The UN SRSG Holkeri welcomed the report and encouraged the OSCE Representative's efforts to further strengthen responsible, free, and fair journalism in Kosovo.
Mr Haraszti said he appreciated the constructive discussions with journalists, as well as the careful coverage his presentation received in the press.
He also said that the Kosovar media representatives, in their separate meeting with him, generally acknowledged the existence of certain deficiencies in the reporting of events surrounding the mid-March riots.
"I regret, however, that representatives of the only public broadcaster in Kosovo - Radio Television Kosovo - continued to defend their much-criticized editorial policy during the unfortunate events," Haraszti added.
The mandate of the Vienna-based OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media is to observe relevant media developments in the 55 OSCE participating States and, in close co-ordination with the Organization's Chairman-in-Office, to advocate and promote full compliance with OSCE principles and commitments in respect of freedom of expression and free media.