OSCE media freedom representative promotes media development in Central Asia
BISHKEK, 19 October 2006 - Legal issues and other challenges related to the privatization of the media was the focus of a one-day conference today in Bishkek attended by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti.
Journalists, lawyers, media business managers and government officials took part in the meeting, jointly organized by Mr. Haraszti's office and the OSCE Centre in Bishkek.
Opening the event, Foreign Minister Alibek Djekshenkulov stated: "I am sure that with the support of the OSCE, a new phase of media development will be launched, not only in Kyrgyzstan, but also in the region."
In his opening remarks, Mr Haraszti said "The subject of the conference is no less than the democratization of the media itself. Privately-owned media with sufficient ownership diversity is society-owned media. The press should be a matter for civil society."
Conference participants discussed how Central Asian media outlets can be operated professionally and successfully.
"Media workers in Central Asia perform a daily tightrope-walk," said Ambassador Markus Mueller, Head of the OSCE Centre. "While professional reporting is their major aim, they also need to survive economically and, sometimes, physically."
During his visit to Kyrgyzstan, Mr. Haraszti met several officials, including the speaker of parliament, the ombudsman and the media commissioner, to discuss the privatization of state media, in particular the importance of public television in a democratic society. He also met with journalists and media professionals from the region.
Today's conference will be followed by a media business skills capacity-building workshop tomorrow. Commercial directors, managers and chief editors will learn about production, advertisement and distribution at the workshop, jointly organized by the OSCE and the Eurasia Foundation.