OSCE media representative visits Azerbaijan
VIENNA, 11 April 2005 - The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti, is visiting Azerbaijan from 11 to 15 April at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
During the visit, he will collect first-hand information about the media situation in the country to assist Azerbaijan in further promoting free and pluralistic media in pursuance of its OSCE commitments.
He will also enquire about the progress of the investigation into the murder of Elmar Husseynov, the editor of the independent Monitor magazine.
The OSCE Representative will meet President Ilham Aliyev, as well as key Government ministers, the Chairs of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, members of Milli Mejlis (National Assembly), members of the Press Council and the Broadcasting Council of the Public TV.
Mr. Haraszti will also meet journalists and representatives of media NGOs. He will take part in a roundtable discussion on licensing of TV and radio broadcasters in Azerbaijan.