OSCE conference highlights need for comprehensive approach to migration management
TIRANA, 16 March 2009 - The Second Preparatory Conference to the 17th OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum on migration management and its linkages with economic, social and environmental policies started in Tirana today.
"In order to improve channels for legal migration and reduce illegal migration and all illegal activities linked to that phenomenon, effective border management and inter-institutional co-operation play a very important role," said Albanian Interior Minister Bujar Nishani, who opened the event.
He added that Albania was implementing a strategy and an action plan for integrated border management, including a new state police law.
Alexandros Tsiatsiamis, Special Secretary for the Development of International Programmes at the Greek Foreign Ministry, who represented the Greek OSCE Chairmanship, called for "in-depth co-operation among OSCE participating States and partners to effectively address migration issues".
"In today's era of unprecedented human mobility, the need for a comprehensive view on the impact of migration on the economy, social life and the environment for countries of origin, transit and destination, is urgent," he said.
The Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities, Goran Svilanovic, said that the underlying factors to international migration are long-term and policies should be oriented towards maximizing positive effects.
Referring to the global economic crisis, he said that "regular migration channels should remain open or be further developed". Svilanovic also underscored the need to address environmental factors and gender concerns with respect to migration.
Ambassador Robert Bosch, the Head of the OSCE Presence in Albania, emphasized the importance of the remittances sent by Albanians working abroad, which in 2008 amounted to some 700 million euros: "This revenue is stimulating domestic business and also provides support for many households, especially in the rural areas. Reducing levels of remittances in time of economic crisis might have negative consequences and this issue must be addressed."
The conference was organized by the Greek OSCE Chairmanship and the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities, with the support of the Albanian Interior Ministry and the OSCE Presence in Albania.
The Second Part of the 17th Economic and Environmental Forum will take place from 18 to 20 May in Athens. Further information on the Forum process can be found on the OSCE website: Economic and Environmental Forum