Promoting regional economic connectivity focus of OSCE-organized seminar in Turkmenistan
Issues of improving investment climate and strengthening of regulatory basis in the export management area were addressed during an OSCE- online seminar in Ashgabat on 21 and 22 September 2022.
The OSCE Centre in Ashgabat organized this event to present best practices of the OSCE participating States in achieving better integration into global economy and trade through improving the investment climate and strengthening regulatory framework in the export management area.
The seminar brought together representatives from the Mejlis (Lower Chamber) of the Milli Gengesh (National Council) of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan, state and commercial banks and other relevant stakeholders.
Two international experts from Georgia and Kazakhstan and presented innovative solutions to increase foreign direct investment, systemic measures to promote regional and international co-operation through export facilitation, discussed the role of direct investment in the economy and investment attraction issues in the energy sector with a focus on the extractive industries.
“The OSCE attaches great importance to addressing a growing need to sustain and further promote economic connectivity, including through facilitating trade, accelerating economic development and growth, attracting targeted foreign direct and domestic investments, growing and diversifying value-added exports and ultimately building a regionally diversified economy,” said Ivana Markovic-Boskovic, Economic and Environmental Officer of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat.
“It gains even greater importance in the circumstances of a global pandemic, as well as economic post-recovery period, when it is crucially important to support the national economy and the businesses to make the most of their potential,” added Markovic-Boskovic.
Experts also highlighted the importance of strengthening strategic export control measures, increasing competitiveness and role of small and medium enterprises in export capacity building.