OSCE Centre in Bishkek trains Afghan customs officers
BISHKEK, 12 November 2010 - A five-week course on anti-smuggling, duty collection, ethics and narcotics searches for 14 customs officers from Afghanistan, held with support from the OSCE Centre in Bishkek, concluded today.
The course is a result of close co-operation between the Afghan National Customs Academy and the Training Centre of the Kyrgyz State Customs Service.
"This OSCE-funded joint training between the customs services of Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan strengthens not only regional security but also benefits economic growth and public services through increased Government revenue collection and legal trade," said Ambassador Andrew Tesoriere, the Head of the OSCE Centre in Bishkek.
Zamirbek Malabekov, the Deputy Chairman of Kyrgyzstan's State Customs Service, added: "This type of co-operation helps customs officials learn about best international practices and at the same time learn about systems and methods and other countries. Only by working together can we successfully fight against smuggling."