Disposal of surplus ammunition and upgrade of storage sites in focus of OSCE-supported discussion in Sarajevo
SARAJEVO, 16 March 2015 - The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina hosted today a meeting of the Strategic Committee for Weapons, Ammunition and Explosive Ordnance of BiH, chaired by the BiH Defence Minister Zekerijah Osmic, focusing on the necessity to accelerate the process of disposal of surplus ammunition and upgrading the safety and security infrastructure of storage sites.
The Committee pointed out that there are currently 16,500 tons of surplus weapons and ammunition, as well as more than 40,000 pieces of weapons the BiH Armed Forces no longer need. Finding a solution to the issue of weapons surplus decreases the risks posed to the community.
“In 2015, we plan to dispose of approximately 2,500 tons of surplus weapons, ammunition and explosive ordnance. The Defence Ministry donated 550 tons of ammunition to the Government of Iraq. We have not only decreased the surplus, but have also become a partner to the International Coalition in its fight against ISIL,” said Osmić.
Acting Head of OSCE Mission to BiH, Alexander Chuplygin said: “Upgrading the safety and security of storage sites is essential to mitigate the risk of proliferation and to reduce the possibility of an unintended explosion causing risk to life and significant damage to the environment.”The Strategic Committee is a forum established for the sole purpose of resolving the issues of surplus weapons, ammunition and explosive ordnance under the control of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina in a more efficient, faster and transparent manner. The permanent membership of the Strategic Committee for Weapons comprises the highest officials of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Office of the Special Representative of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, OSCE Mission to BiH, UNDP, NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo, EUFOR, as well as the Embassies of the United States, Switzerland, Austria, and Sweden.