Progress and tolerance are prerequisites for social and economic development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, says OSCE Mission Head
Ambassador Jonathan Moore, Head of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, met on 12 January 2015 in Trnovi, near Velika Kladusa, Imam Selvedin Beganovic of Trnovi to convey his strong support and respect for the Imam’s commitment to his faith and his clear message in favour of tolerance and against extremism. Moore discussed the recent attacks and threats against Imam Beganovic.
In a separate meetings, Moore also met Grand Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina Husein Kavazovic and Bihac Mufti Hasan Makic.
Moore has raised with state, federal, and cantonal-level law enforcement authorities the need to provide personal security to Imam Beganovic.
“The violation of human rights and freedoms, including attacks on persons expressing messages of peace and understanding, is unacceptable,” said Moore. “Bosnia and Herzegovina needs tolerance in order to accomplish the people’s goals of social and economic development.”
“Reis Kavazovic, Imam Beganovic, and others, whose leadership and authority is unquestioned, and whose rejection of violence is absolute, inspire our deepest respect. I condemn the attacks on Imam Beganovic and call upon police and prosecutors to promptly identify the perpetrators and bring them to justice.”