OSCE Head of Mission to BiH calls on Brcko District citizens to determine their citizenship before 28 August 2014
SARAJEVO, 25 July 2014 – The Head of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Fletcher M. Burton, today called upon the citizens of Brcko District to determine their citizenship before 28 August 2014 so that they can participate in the upcoming general elections.
Burton reminded citizens in Brcko District that they need to opt for one of the entity citizenships to be able to exercise their right to vote and run in the election, which are slated for 12 October 2014. “Anyone who still has not chosen, changed or registered their entity citizenship has one month left to act. They can do so in the office of the Brcko District Government or in 14 smaller offices across the District,” Burton said. “This is an important issue. Should they fail to acquire entity citizenship, citizens there will be unable to fully enjoy their democratic right to vote.”
The Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina stipulates that a citizen of the country who is registered to vote in the Brcko District shall have the right to vote for the Members of the Presidency of BiH and the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH by casting the appropriate ballot in the entity of which the voter is a citizen, and in the elections of the entity of which the voter is a citizen.