OSCE supports advanced course on security policy for BiH government officials
A two-day advanced training course on security policy for officials from ministries and other public institutions, co-organized by the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina concluded on 12 December 2013 in Zenica in the central part of the country.
The course was developed by the OSCE Mission and the BiH Inter-ministerial Working Group for Monitoring Security Policy Implementation. More than 30 officials of defence and security institutions and representatives of civil society, media and academia took part in the course.
The purpose of the course was to ensure better understanding by participants of the state Security Policy Document and security system and to encourage networking and co-operation among various security actors in the country. Topics discussed included the fight against corruption, police co-operation, the penitentiary system, and gender in security sector reform.
“This course recognizes that security in the modern world requires co-ordination and co-operation between different governmental and non-governmental institutions and agencies, as well as the private sector,” said Harald Quiel, Director of Department for Security Co-operation at the OSCE Mission to BiH.
The OSCE Mission’s Department for Security Co-operation has been partnering with institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina in organizing and holding this training since 2007.