OSCE supports trade facilitation through better customs procedures
ASTANA, 2 November 2012 – An OSCE-supported training course on the harmonized customs procedures within the Customs Union between Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia concluded today in Astana.
The two-day event was co-organized by the OSCE Centre in Astana and Kazakhstan’s Customs Control Committee.
The workshop which gathered some 60 officials from the regional customs administrations aimed to provide guidance on improved procedures for taxes and custom duty payments with a focus on international trade and transit facilitation.
“The OSCE has been actively working to promote trade facilitation and improved customs procedures in Kazakhstan and region-wide,” said Alexander Peytchev, Economic Environmental Officer of the OSCE Centre in Astana. “The training course will help to bring procedures and regulations of the Three-State Customs Union in line with the World Customs Organization’s international standards.”
“Today’s event looks at very practical aspects of international trade, such as sound classification of goods which is a prerequisite for the proper application of tariff and non-tariff measures by all parties in the regulation of international economic activities regulation,” said Ruslan Kystaubaev, the Head of the Department on customs revenues of the Kazakhstan’s Customs Control Committee. “The course is also meant to help all stakeholders in the process, including the customs authorities, to effectively apply the key instruments of the Customs Union - the Common Commodity List for International Economic Activities and the Common Customs Tariff.”
The training course is a part of the OSCE Centre’s in Astana activities promoting good governance at border crossings and facilitation of the international trade, transit and transport.