Safety protocols for hazardous chemicals and obsolete pesticides focus of OSCE seminar in Kazakhstan
KYZYLORDA, Kazakhstan, 27 April 2016 – Proper procedures in handling hazardous chemicals and obsolete pesticides was the focus of the first of two OSCE-supported awareness-raising training seminars for some 50 representatives of local government authorities, the private sector, academia and environmental NGOs, which began today in Kyzylorda.
The seminar is organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana in co-operation with the Public Fund Kyzylorda Aarhus Centre and will brief participants about the impact of obsolete pesticides and hazardous chemicals on public health and environment. There will also be a review of the international standards and state regulations in this area.
Participants will learn about the various measures for the safe management and disposal of harmful chemicals to avoid unintended consequences on human health and environment, as well as the necessary precautions to exclude the re-use of these materials. Following the event, a general methodology will be developed to assist the environmental NGOs in conducting similar awareness raising events in their regions.
“The public authorities will work in co-operation with farmers and other stakeholders to identify places polluted with obsolete pesticides and hazardous chemicals in the Kyzylorda Region. In turn, we will develop a number of measures for their further disposal and recycling. We hope that this will contribute to improving environmental and health conditions in our area,” said Zhuldyzay Aytzhanova, Deputy Chief of the Department of Natural Resources and Regulation of Wildlife Management of the Kyzylorda region.
“The use of pesticides allows stable yields, but careless handling and storage can lead to serious consequences for public health and for the environment," said Rati Japaridze, Economic and Environmental Officer of the OSCE Programme Office in Astana. “By raising public awareness about the negative effects of hazardous chemicals, we can strengthen environmental security and to ensure safe conditions for the life and health of the population.”
The second training seminar on the same topic will take place on 29 April in Aralsk.
The event is part of the OSCE Programme Office’s multi-year efforts to advance the implementation of international standards of the Aarhus Convention in Kazakhstan.