OSCE Centre organizes training for Turkmenistan's border and customs officials
ASHGABAD, 19 June 2007 - Six members of Turkmenistan's border and customs services have taken part in a week-long practical training course in south Germany on proper border management.
The trip was organized by the OSCE Centre in Ashgabad with support of the Government of Turkmenistan and Germany's Finance Ministry.
The training was held at border crossing points between Germany, France and Switzerland, and included visits to a regional customs centre and a customs criminal investigation office.
"The Customs Service is a vital player in border management and the first line of defence in the fight against trans-national crime. High professional and ethical standards, knowledge of the latest operational procedures and techniques, and a systematic and efficient training policy are required to ensure professional border control," said Uwe Laeufer, the Head of the German Customs Investigation Office in Stuttgart.
Participants exchanged experience on border management concepts, national and international co-operation between agencies involved in border and customs control, and prosecution of trans- boundary crimes. They also learnt about the latest techniques used to prevent and investigate drug trafficking and the illegal transfer of money across frontiers.
The course was part of the OSCE Centre's support for capacity-building of Turkmenistan's Border and Customs Services.