OSCE Centre supports environmental journalism in Turkmenistan
ASHGABAD 29 December 2005
ASHGABAD, 29 December 2005 - Staff members of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabad today took part in an award ceremony for journalists from Turkmenistan, who took part and won prizes at the Fifth Central Asian Festival of Environmental Journalism.
The Festival, held in Almaty in November, brought together print, TV and radio journalists from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. They discussed the role of the media in addressing local, regional, and global environmental issues. The journalists from Turkmenistan also took part in a special seminar on various aspects of environmental journalism.
The event was organized by environmental non-governmental organizations from the region with the support of nature protection agencies from the respective countries, as well as the OSCE, the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Environment Programme.
"Environmental issues are becoming more and more important, and journalists serve as a bridge to get this message across to the people, thus contributing to the implementation of Aarhus Convention in Turkmenistan," said Galina Kalagina of the Nature Protection Society of Turkmenistan.
"Journalists play a crucial role in increasing public awareness of the environmental situation and environmental problems, which results in greater public support of the environmental policies pursued by the governments of Central Asia."
The Festival, held in Almaty in November, brought together print, TV and radio journalists from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. They discussed the role of the media in addressing local, regional, and global environmental issues. The journalists from Turkmenistan also took part in a special seminar on various aspects of environmental journalism.
The event was organized by environmental non-governmental organizations from the region with the support of nature protection agencies from the respective countries, as well as the OSCE, the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Environment Programme.
"Environmental issues are becoming more and more important, and journalists serve as a bridge to get this message across to the people, thus contributing to the implementation of Aarhus Convention in Turkmenistan," said Galina Kalagina of the Nature Protection Society of Turkmenistan.
"Journalists play a crucial role in increasing public awareness of the environmental situation and environmental problems, which results in greater public support of the environmental policies pursued by the governments of Central Asia."