OSCE Centre in Ashgabad trains more Turkmen customs officials in computer skills
ASHGABAD, 29 August 2005 - Twenty Turkmen customs officials have just completed a three-month computer course and have received certificates of completion from the OSCE Centre in Ashgabad.
The programme, which also includes English language classes, began in February 2005 and up to 80 customs officials will have taken part by the end of the year.
The aim is to strengthen the ability of the State Customs Service to establish proper control of the flow of goods and persons across the borders, while taking into account legitimate security requirements.
Dr. Dieter Matthei, the Programme Manager, said, "Today, good computer skills are a key requirement for customs officials to secure cross border trade, combat terrorist activities, fight trafficking and control international migration."
The training programme has been organized by the OSCE Centre, in co-operation with Turkmenistan's State Customs Service and the European Commission, as part of its TACIS programme.
The Centre installed modern learning facilities and computers in the Ashgabad Customs Service Training Centre in 2004. Since then, nearly 90 customs officials have attended the computer and English language courses.
Turkmen customs officials appreciate the training and are enthusiastic about further co-operation with the Centre. It is expected that the project will be further expanded and be extended into 2006.